These are just a few of the things that [x-Cegi-baby-x], [dani-elle], and myself got up to while away camping for a week, have fun.
23/05/06 - 27/05/06
Before we left we looked like this;
[Shadow of a woman]

Some stuff that we got up to
Danielle and Ceri, picked their rooms, Danielle had the small room, (which is my little sisters) Ceri had the biggest room because it had a double bed(my parents room) and I slept in my room, the medium one.
Danielle and Ceri decided that we should go swimming and once they realised that they didn't have cahnge for the locker i was 1/2 dressed they sent me out ot get change! :P Then Danielle moans all about the slide not being switched on. :*( But still we had a good time, lol.
P.s.Ceri got pissed ha ha ha, and danielle froze two of her cans then boiled a kettle of water and tried to de-frost them, the pillack.
Decided to go to Barry. We had to wait an hour and a half for the bus, to get there and then anothe hour and half in the rain to get back, not fun.
I got pissed and supposedley rang my mate adele, but i don't rememebr any of it, except the head ache.
........... slept untill 12:30, I know I'm lazy the girls were up at 10:30, or so they say. he he.Waited again for ages on the bus, to go to Tesco, to get some more munch, lol.
I tries to do a barbaque, but I didn't do it to well, lol, I burnt the thingey that we put it on!!!! Oooops!
We were gonna go out to the karoke, but then we didn't. We did face packs and I left mine on too long and I couldn't movge my facial muscles, aaaaaaaaaaargh! [dani-elle] and [x-Cegi-baby-x] thought it was funny, but obvisouly I didn't.
Ceri went really hyper while we were watching BB, and decided to go to her room - strangeness, lol. She then came through with her face plastered in eye liner and crap, lol. We dressed Danielle up like a muppet, she had Ceri's mini skirt on and her red rock top and my stripey leggings. We drew all over her face with eye liner, mascara and eye shadow lol, then we dared her to go in the club and sit next to some random guy and have a photo taken with him, but the security guard wouldn't let her in, lol.
We then went up to the Font-Y-Gary Inn, and she met these three guys and we all had rather random photos taken with them, untill they tipped me on my head and took my photo. :*( he he
Um........I cleaned up all of the mess, before we left in the rain. It rained all week, except for Thursday, I think, it was anyway. Lol.
[x-Cegi-baby-x] lying on the sofa, at about 11:45am, he he
[x-Cegi-baby-x]before we went out
[x-Cegi-baby-x]&[dani-elle]when we went out
a close up of [dani-elle]
[dani-elle] munching on a bagatte
[dani-elle]trying to dry off, after the rain spell
[dani-elle]going out
When [dani-elle] hurt her toe (my neices Sophie and Caitlin in the backgorund sophie is the oldest, they are 4 and 5 now)
Waiting for the bus back from Barry.
Dan and some random guy, she corned and begged for a photo
Dan and Luke, who we mate at the Font-Y-Gary Inn
don't ask, I really don't remember
Dan's old foggy friends he he
Danielle, Martin the owner, the security guard who wouldn't let dan in and a couple of random girls
Me and Danielle in the coffee shop he he
A lovely day, playing Swing Ball, when dan wasn't cheating lol
Dan dancing on my folks bed,
In the Font-Y-Gary Inn
Got stuck
Looking over the verandah
Dan again
John from the Font Y Gary and Danielle
Ceri, the night she got pissed lol
Ceri posing
Me on my head, gees I was red, John and Danielle at the Font-Y-Gary Inn
Ceri got hyper
Munching on pannini
Molly, my next door neighbour, I <3 this lady, she's like my 2nd nan
On the bus back from Tesco
Roymy next door neighbour, I <3 this man, he's like my 2nd grandad
me n [dani-elle] Waiting for the bus
I heart you [x-Cegi-baby-x] and [dani-elle] xx [Shadow of a woman]
[dani-elle] drinkin posh (trying but not succeeding)
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